Main Street Iowa reviews local program

Main Street Iowa staff members Debi Flanders and Jane Seaton conducted the annual review of the Jefferson Matters: Main Street program on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 9-10, in Jefferson.

Over the course of the two days, the review team held hour-long meetings with each of the Jefferson Matters: Main Street committees: Design, Organization, Business Improvement, Promotion, and Tower View Team. They also held hour-long meetings with city of Jefferson officials, executive committee members of the Greene County Development Corporation, and staff and board members of the Greene County Chamber of Commerce.

Flanders and Seaton reviewed all the program materials compiled over the past year to support the program, especially the action plans of the JMMS committees, board of directors, and executive committee, composed of the officers of the JMMS board. Officers are Jamie Daubendiek, president, Amy Milligan, vice president, and Carol Ahrenholtz, secretary.

They further reviewed the program’s budget and income statements, annual fund drive, mission and vision statements, bylaws, rosters of the board and committees, job description of the program director, district map, and other marketing and promotion materials.

The annual program review also serves as the accreditation visit for a community to maintain its national Main Street status. The review team looks at 11 criteria, which includes broad-based public support, public and private sector involvement, vision and missions statements, comprehensive action plans with measurable objectives, historic preservation ethic, an active board of director and committees, adequate operating budget, paid program director, ongoing training for staff and volunteers, reporting of key statistics, and current with dues to the National Main Street Network.

The review team found Jefferson to have fulfilled all 11 criteria and officially accredited the program as a National Main Street community. Jefferson is one of 52 communities out of 952 communities in Iowa to achieve the Main Street designation.

Jefferson Matters: Main Street is a volunteer organization devoted to economic development through historic preservation in downtown Jefferson.

Persons who would like to become involved with JMMS can contact Alan Robinson, program director, at 515-386-3585 or director@ or visit the office at 110 West Lincoln Way in the restored 5 Spot Hamburger Shop historic building. The office is open from 10 am to 2 pm, Monday through Friday.

Look for updates about JMMS news and activities at and the JMMS page on Facebook.

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